Give Only If You Can

I am not asking you to give a million people a dollar each. Most people in this world will not be able to do so this way. That is a million bucks!

What I mean is, spare a dollar if you can. The dollar we give away, may come back with other dollars from other willing people when we need it. Help others and others will also help you.

All of us will grow old eventually one fine day! There is no escape from this. Being healthy and lucky today has no guarantee of being healthy and lucky tomorrow.

Lyrics Of Song

(1st Verse)

If You Have A Dollar That You Can Spare
You Take It Out And Give It Away
You Have Shown That You Have Cared
You Feel So Good Everyday

*** Chorus ***

*** Give Your Heart
Play Your Part
Do It Fast
Don’t Be Last

Tell Your Friends
Do The Same
Follow You
Spread It Through ***

(2nd Verse)

You Can Always Make Someone Happy
Doing What Your Heart Tells You
With Their Eyes Looking Teary
Knowing That Your Heart Is True

*** Chorus ***

(3rd Verse )

I Got A Dollar That I Could Spare / (Share)
I Took It Out And Gave It Away
I Have Shown That I Have Cared
I Feel So Good Everyday

*** Chorus ***

(4th Verse )

We Got Our Dollars That We Could Spare / (Share)
We Took Them Out And Gave Them Away
We Have Shown That We Have Cared
We Feel So Good Everyday

(Fade With …. )

We Feel So Good Everyday
We Feel So Good Everyday
Give Your Hearts

All Copyrights © Reserved 2003 Richard HF LEE

The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

This is a very simple song with simple lyrics. It is easy to understand by anyone.

If you have a dollar that you can spare, just give it away and make someone happy.

This dollar will go round and round to those in need. It may come back to you when you needed it most one fine day!

Spare your dollar, if and only you can afford it. All of us must be aware that certain people are really not in the position to spare a dollar. Many still live below the subsistence level. So for those who cannot spare a dollar, just give it “in your heart”. This is good enough. It is the thought that counts!

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Give Your Hearts (Song)

<bgsound src="Give Your Hearts.mp3"></bgsound>

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